Saturday, May 12, 2012

Planting in the garden

After two weeks of rain, rain, oh, there's more was phenomenally gorgeous.  I can't even really describe how gorgeous. 

And it being so lovely, my gardening partner-in-crime and I planted away up in the Penthouse. 

And then, of course, I've spent the rest of the afternoon longingly looking out the window as my eyes turned redder and redder from pollen irritation.  I hate that one of my favorite times of year has become a season where I enjoy the view from afar, or suffer the consequences. 

(and yes, those are the new glasses!  I'm still getting used to them; the color of the ones I tried on was a little bit lighter tortoiseshell that I preferred to this darker version, but I do like them!  They're definitely a change.  They're the Sibley glasses from Warby Parker, if anyone is interested)


Lorenna said...

I was planting today too! I planted herbs and veggies at my condo!

bridgetwhoplaysfrenchhorn said...

It was the perfect day for it, that's for sure!

Miss Outlier said...

So many seeds! Can't wait for the garden goodness. :)