Thursday, December 6, 2012

meeting my blogganger (doppelogger?)

I harbor a not-so-secret desire to be Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen when I grow up.  "Obsessive home cook"  -- it's so me.

So when I saw she was going to be in Boston as part of the book tour for her recently-released cookbook, I'm pretty sure I squealed.  Or shrieked.  One or the other.

I reserved tickets for her talk at 10:05 am (the bookstore sponsoring the event opened at 10 am).  Apparently they were all out by 10:30 am.  That Smitten Kitchen lady, she's popular.

We are at about 10 o'clock in the Coolidge Theater (thanks to Brian, an audience member and one ahead of us in the eternally long line to meet Deb).

 Blurry, but hey, if you don't get a picture, you weren't really there, right?

The signing last until about 10:30, and alas, I had to leave early for a GRT meeting, but Aimee was a dear and stayed til late, following an incredibly long line through the bookstore until she finally made it to Deb.  I was so bummed I didn't get to meet her personally - maybe one day!

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