Thursday, November 25, 2010


--family.  I wish I could be sitting down to Confirmation potatoes and turkey with them right now, but I'll be home in less than a month to celebrate my brother's graduation from college, and eat lots of Tea House, play in the snow, and watch "The Nanny" late at night with Hillary on my lap.  Sounds like the perfect break to me...

--friends, scattered across the globe.  From Chicago to Minneapolis, from St. Louis to Vienna, from China to Nova Scotia, you are all constantly in my thoughts.

--turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and Chinese dumplings for Thanksgiving!  Gotta love the potluck Thanksgiving at McCormick--truly delicious and full of surprises. 

--that this semester is coming to a close.  There, I said it.  I will discontinue whining posthaste, because no one likes whiner, least of all me.  But this semester, wow.  It needs to end.

Also---to my youngest yet now-sixteen year old brother---you're pretty cool. I'm looking forward to our Star Wars marathon: t minus 22 days!


Sprite said...

Wow. You were so little in that picture! The fact that Jacob is a baby in that photo doesn't faze me, but I remember when he was born and I don't recall us being so little! Time is flying.

Rick L said...

you get to have a Star Wars marathon? Lucky duck. That's awesome.