Friday, February 12, 2010

every day is a new day!


--The company Naked Binder. I love them. They're pretty and great at what they do...which is why when I needed binders and recieved an email from them yesterday about their Valentine's Day sale (cause nothing says I love you like three ring binders) when I saw that...uh...a picture of my apartment was on their website. I had no idea. No permission, no nothing. Too many of my friends have had this sort of scare, so I emailed them immediately with my privacy and copyright concerns, and within half an hour received a well-written apology email. Great product, wonderful response time, and go you guys for admitting you were wrong and fixing the problem asap. A+. (and yes, I am buying more binders. My recipe collection is expanding exponentially...)

--Aveda's Comfort Tea. This stuff is amazing, but it's also super expensive ($15 for 20 bags). So - I did some online searching, and found this recipe: 1-1/4 cups licorice root, 1 cup peppermint leaves, 1/8 cup fennel, 1/8 cup basil leaves. I will definitely check at the coop to see prices of these's just wonderful.

--I had a great time hosting S and S for their vet school interviews at Tufts:

They were able to have a quick tour of Boston, see MIT's campus, and completely rock at their interviews (as well as being good sports about taking the commuter rail all the way to Grafton...oof what a trek).

--girl's night on Monday to celebrate this lady's slow path to healing (poor spleen!)


--lack of snow!! Come on Boston....we are getting slaughtered by DALLAS of all places. You can do it!

--I love the this is really the only time that I miss not having a TV. Anyone want to buy me a big screen HDTV?

--I just realized that Shrove Tuesday is next week and I really wanted to make semla (Swedish almond buns)...can I do it?? I checked the recipe, and it looks a little...insane. But I'm going to be brave and try it anyway!
from here

Just plain odd

--a package from a friend included "Bubu Lubu" strawberry jam/marshmallow/chocolate candy, piƱa colada-flavored shisha, a disney princess pen, and canned calamari. I have very odd friends. But they're nice, and definitely thoughtful!

--torus is the technical mathematical terminology to describe a donut. I'm totally serious.

--the one dollar coin from New Zealand has a kiwi on it (the bird, not the fruit). I'm a big kiwi fan, as is proved by one of my favorite tshirts: (thanks Woot!)

1 comment:

Debbie said...

If you try the recipe you must let us know how it turns out - it looks amazing!